Selection process and preparation

After you have registered, you will be contacted by a recruiter. The recruiter has all the information about your potential employer, the work and other important subjects. The recruiter who will contact you will go through with you (among other things):

  • The employer's requirements.
  • What experience you have (and in which countries) and for how long.
  • Personal details (including name, date of birth, sex, marital status etc.)
  • What kind of education you have.
  • The languages you speak (English or German are often a plus).
  • It is important that you and your employer have the same expectations about the duration of the contract.
  • Familiarity with the sector in which you are going to work.
  • Whether you work well with others, your physical condition, your work ethic etc.
  • Whether you have your own car with which you can travel.
  • Whether you have a driver's licence.

Interested in further preparation for your job? Watch the video above to learn about the optimal preparation.

Types of work



Selection process and preparation

First working days

Contract & health insurance